Vision Statement

To cultivate a generation of young leaders who are spiritually grounded, socially responsible, and equipped with the skills and ethical foundation necessary to influence their communities positively. Through the integration of faith, leadership, and service, we envision our participants as catalysts for change, embodying the principles of servant leadership and innovation to address the challenges of our world.


The Young Leaders VBS Summer Camp program aims to empower teenagers aged 15-18 by providing a comprehensive learning experience that bridges faith and practical leadership skills.

We aim to foster spiritual growth, community engagement, and personal development through interactive workshops, mentorship, and hands-on service projects.

Our program is committed to nurturing the next generation of ethical leaders who can integrate their spiritual values with effective leadership and entrepreneurship to make a meaningful impact in their communities and beyond.

By participating in our VBS leadership track, teens will gain valuable volunteer experience, develop a broad range of leadership skills, and deepen their understanding and practice of their faith.

These vision and mission statements reflect the program's commitment to developing leadership qualities in young individuals within a faith-based context, preparing them for future challenges and opportunities while emphasizing the importance of service and community engagement.

Join The Greatness

Are you interested in being a part of such a great community? Join us this summer and be a part of something great!

Become a Team Lead

Are you interested in becoming a team leader? Gain volunteer credit by becoming a team leader. By the end of the program, participants will be equipped with essential skills in biblical leadership, prayer, prophecy, and ethical decision-making.

Become A Leader

Join The VBS Waitlist

Are you looking for a summer camp that fosters spiritual growth, community awareness, and leadership skills while teaching your students how to pray, prophesy, walk in purpose and more? Sign up for PPSC

Sponsor A Student

It takes a village to raise a child. Many families need a village but the village never comes to their rescue. Sponsoring a student for PPSC will aid in the student's advancement as a leader, a creative and a world changer. Sponsor a child today.

Ideal Candidates

Community-Oriented Youth: High school students eager to increase their volunteer hours and positively impact their communities.

Spiritually Engaged Teens: Those active in their faith communities and looking to deepen their spiritual engagement.

Aspiring Leaders: Teens who are exploring leadership roles or need guidance to develop their leadership skills, such as those currently serving or interested in student council, sports teams, or other extracurricular leadership.

Students Seeking Purpose: Young people who are trying to figure out their purpose and how they can align it with their personal and spiritual growth.

Creative and Innovative Thinkers: Students who bring fresh, creative ideas to the table and are interested in solving problems in new ways.

Ethically Minded Students: Those who have demonstrated an interest in ethics, shown through thoughtful decision-making or participation in ethics-related discussions.

Proactive Learners: Teens who actively seek out opportunities to learn and grow outside of the traditional classroom setting.

Service-Driven Individuals: Those committed to participating in service projects and have a strong record of volunteering.

Team Players: Students who excel in teamwork and communication, which are vital for the collaborative activities in the program.

Resilient and Adaptable Individuals: Young people who show resilience and adaptability when faced with challenges.

Mentorship Seekers: Those who are interested in finding their lives purpose and need a mentor to guide them along the way.